Penis Stretchers

Practical tips about Penis Extenders (Penis Stretchers) Penis enlargement with extenders The average penis is 13.2 cm long. Anonymous surveys have shown that about 25% of men believe their penis is too small. In many cases this may be subjective, especially if you compare yourself with well built porn actors. However, sometimes it happens that […]

Glans Enlargement

Glans Enlargement and Thickening Glans enlargement: Aesthetics is very important for most women and also many men. Changes to our external appearance such as hairstyle, makeup, or clothing can be achieved without problems. But when it comes to physical characteristics, things are a little different. Many men have a glans thicker than the shaft of […]

Jelqing – the easy way for penis enlargement

Jelqing – simple exercises for penis enlargement If someone considers their penis to be too small, it is often reluctantly accepted with a shrug. However, a man does not have to be satisfied with his penis size. There are several methods for affecting the length of the penis. One of them is Jelqing. How important […]

Penis Training: The Penis Must Be Coached Throughout Life

With aging, we must deal with some associated symptoms that to a great extent, we must just accept. The body changes and degrades due to the slowing down of cell division. Bone density decreases, as well as physical condition, strength and endurance. There are changes to the hormonal equilibrium. Finally, there is another sign of […]